About Me

kampala, central province, Uganda
rugby lover - enough said!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

psoas muscles

Monday 11th February: still a cold wet day. we warmed up playing fijian touch on a drier side of the pitch. after that we went on a run up to the kira road roundabaout. stretched briefly and back to kyadondo rugby club. before we set off doc had told us to run as a team making sure there are no stragglers. instead of stopping and waiting or reducing our speed in order to stay together we keep running back to collect girls lagging behind. it meant running extra but at least it meant we kept a constant pace, stayed together as doc wanted and encouraged those struggling to match our pace and to keep pushing. all in all, the run felt great. to wind up we did push ups, stomach exercises and calf raises then had a nice long stretch. we thought we were done but doc had other ideas. he lined us up at the pitch side advert boards and had us inclining our bodies at about 45 degrees (i think - geometry was never my forte). "women tend to have underdeveloped sore a*s muscles." i beg your pardon doc. "p-s-o-a-s. psoas. it's a latin word." aaah. latin. of course doc. "i need you to sprint on the spot at that angle for 2 minutes then you'll have a 30 second break then back again ... " The session didn't seem as if it would end.

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