About Me

kampala, central province, Uganda
rugby lover - enough said!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

no drama

Wednesday 20th feb: it rained the whole morning. good enough the sun came out in the afternoon so it was a warm evening. not warm enough to dry up the pitch though. one half was submerged and we religiously avoided it. as we waited for numbers we started off with our coordination game. anne and alia have got lots better at it. perhaps doing pressups or situps for every dropped ball was motivator enough to focus? we then moved to working on defence as we waited for mutaks. yogi and harriet had missed the initial defence sessions but they picked up really fast and soon were working in tandem with the rest of us. it's beginning to come together. we'll have mutaks in smiles at this rate. when mutaks arrived he let us wind up our defence workout then split us into groups and took us through ball handling with emphasis on spreading the ball wide and re-aligning. that went ok.

we then paired up (same speed pairs) and went through a fitness drill: sprints between cones, sideways, backpeddling - first without a ball then with ball in hand. we did it for 7 minutes i think- one half of a 7's game. not as torturous as doc's sessions but tiring all the same.

after that it was back to defence - a drill that mirrored our movements in defence. at intervals mutaks would instruct us to hit the ground and bounce up immendiately and continue running. at the start it was easy enough but as we continued our legs seemed to get heavier and every time we went to ground getting up took an age. after like forever, mutaks called the session to a stop and instructed us to stretch. he appointed christine the acting captain and tasked her with making sure we all got water.

no muscle pulls, no fainting and the like this time round. great. mutaks says on friday we'll be doing game situation.

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