About Me

kampala, central province, Uganda
rugby lover - enough said!

Monday, 18 February 2008


Friday 15th Feb: it did not rain today or yesterday so it was a nice warm evening. the pitch was not hard and was not squishily soft either. we warmed up by passing the ball before mutaks split us into 3 groups of 6. 1 group holding tackle bags and the other 2 groups taking it in turns to go through a defence drill that was meant to help us master our defence pattern. we repeated the drill over and over again until mutaks was satisfied that we were doing what he wanted. he then divided us into 2 teams and we had a short game where we were meant to apply what we had been practicing into the game. at first neither team was doing the right thing but with constant reminders from mutaks we started to get it right and made rugby easier for ourselves.

so far so good. we're bonding well as a team - management included. mutaks and doc are so soft spoken: we've never had coaches that do not yell.

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